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How to connect and Set up OpenSea Account

Meta Force Time:2023-03-05 Browse:

Introducing A Special Text Tutorial on Royalty NFTs in OpenSea Marketplace
Dear Community!
As we approach the Near completion of the next phase in our project timeline, we will be revealing other market opportunities of Our Unique NFTs offered within The ROYALTY PROGRAM, in SpecialNFt Marketplace; OPENSEA . At the same time, we advice our community to understand the potentials of keeping this NFTs as this will Unlock Great income potential from Our very much linked Turnovers in Programs. Selling this NFTs to others will also relinquish your rights to accrual earnings.
How to connect and Set up OpenSea Account :
1.  Purchase digital currency
You need to Deposit crypto coins that will be used to fuel transactions, mints NFTs and purchase NFTs
2. Install a crypto wallet
Install and switch to a wallet that is already linked to MetaForce and currently has minted NFTs.
3. Connect to OpenSea
Now Open OpenSea in Your Wallet DApp BROWSER or other suitable options  
 Click on Profile or Icon
 In the Next menu prompt, Click on Connect Wallet
 In the Next screen, Select your Preferred wallet; Ex-Trustwallet (click show more to view all wallet options )
 Approve the  Smart Contract Window Pop up menu
 And in the Next possible pop-up menu, Sign the Signature Request.   Congratulations 
 Now Locate main menu icon, click and select Account in menu list, further select Account Settings and fill in your Profile details .
 Click on Menu again, click on Account and further click on Profile to view and manage your NFTs. 
How To Sell and Buy NFT Using listing:
 Sell With Fixed Rate/Auction 
   Click On Profile section, locate and open your NFT
In the next screen, scroll down to reveal a sell button at the down right corner of the screen
Click sell and choose either Fixed Rate or Auction option as the case maybe
Set up the sales option in the next screen Including intended sales price, duration of sales and others.
 Click complete Listing and Confirm all subsequent permission and Smart Contract signing page
You can now view this campaign under Listing section of your dashboard 
You can always check for the activity section to get the latest sales activity of your NFT as well as Click on offers to check new offers by potential buyers
 Buy From Fixed or Auction Sales
 Locate the NFT by searching with it's unique ID or link
Click on either Make an offer to suggest another price you are willing to buy, Click on Add to cart to add it to your shopping list or Click on the Thunder  icon to buy immediately , all in the case of A fixed Rate Sales.
Click on Place Bid to specify your bidding price. Take note, the highest bidder claims the purchase after the auction duration ends
Ensure to Deposit a suitable or required Crypto coins before Placing bids or making purchase actions
Ensure to confirm and approve all smart contracts windows for all transactions
How to Transfer NFT on OpenSea (and Create Value):
Using The Make offer strategy 
 List Your Nft in the Intended Sellers Wallet using The Fixed Rate Sales Option and setting a very high price to avoid unwanted purchase by others
 Locate this NFT in Buying Wallet account and Click on Make An Offer, set up this offer using a very low and affordable price, EXAMPLE- 1 Matic
 Now go to Selling Wallet account and accept this offer, This process doesn't only transfers this wallet to New Wallet user but also creates value and composite earnings from future sales
How to Transfer NFT on OpenSea:
Navigate to an NFT you'd like to transfer.
In the bottom left corner of the item card, click the three-dot menu and select Transfer.
Confirm your selection and press Continue.
Enter the recipient's wallet address (ENS domains are also accepted) and press Send items.
Confirm the signature request in your wallet.
You'll see a confirmation message once the item has been transferred. You can also view the confirmation on Etherscan by clicking View transaction.
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