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Today we are celebrating the birthday of Meta Force 2.0

Meta Force Time:2023-07-14 Browse:

Today we are celebrating the birthday of Meta Force 2.0!
Our most loyal partners surely know that we had the second birthday. The main version that we are currently working with was launched on July 13th.
...And now we have an interesting discussion question - on which day does our platform actually celebrate its birthday?
Share your opinion in the comments!
Regardless of the chosen date, the second anniversary of Meta Force is an important milestone for us.
We have done a tremendous amount of work this year, facing technical challenges and successfully solving them.
We have developed and launched new products such as Uniteverse, Tactile, Royalty NFT, and Forcecoin, which make our platform unique in the market.
The system is complex, but there is one important advantage:
Meta Force cannot be copied. 
This is because the system is created strategically, with new products depending on those that will be introduced in the future.
However, our work is not limited to just developing new products.
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