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MetaForce Message for the earliest participants

Meta Force Time:2022-11-05 Browse:

 Message for the earliest participants.
In the very early days of the launch of the Classic program, some of you experienced the problem of erroneous freezing of funds.
The problem has long been fixed, and does not affect new participants. It remains to return the frozen funds.
The return project turned out to be extremely difficult, but the task was finally solved — for this we had to process a million transactions, checking a huge amount of different data in order to calculate the presence of the case and the correct amount.
 The task was solved by three different IT teams, in different ways, and independently of each other.
The data were then compared and corrected.
 At the moment, a button for withdrawing frozen funds is ready in the Meta Force account.
But we remember that some participants had their private keys compromised.
How could this happen? There are many ways for scammers. The most famous are:
 messages offering to send a seed phrase somewhere, often these are fakes posing as official ones from a large project;
 dubious applications that infect your device;
 unverified apps and dapps that lure you to confirm access to your wallet, for example, obscure bridges for the exchange between blockchains.
 As a result, both the participant and the scammer have access to the wallet. Moreover, scammers often connect a bot that automatically withdraws everything from the wallet.
Therefore, we are giving a few days for participants to report to the back office that their wallet has been hacked.
We will exclude these accounts from the distribution and leave them to the next stage to first determine their new wallet.
If your wallet is under your control, you do not need to report anything. Just wait until the "withdraw" button becomes active.
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