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Meta Force Info

15 solid facts about meta force

Meta Force Time:2022-06-16 Browse:

1. You are paid directly to your wallet. No one holds funds in this community deciding who to pay. Remember it is a decentralised program, no third party involved in your earnings
2. You are paid automatically and immediately you earn. It is a smart contract and so everything is automated!!
3. You don't need to request withdrawal, because before you know what You have even earned, you've been paid to your Trust Wallet. It is automated
4. FORCE can't shutdown, because it is built under a digital decentralized ledger called the blockchain on a smart contract decentralized application. How amazing is that?
5. Even the creators of Force can't change the rules (system of codes). It's blockchain technology, once done it can't be undone. 
6. Force CAN'T be hacked or stopped even by the most powerful government.
7. Force is a lifetime contract. It's digital buinsess your children can inherit.
8. In Force the 12 earning levels (12 income streams) can never expire and have no deadlines to secure them.
9. Joining Force Community requires a one time out of pocket entry cost of 5 USDT in Pre-Launch (400 INR).
10. In Force it's possible to turn 15 USDT to 100,000 USDT ($100,000) with the leverage of time, teamwork, strategy and hardwork.
11. Force is not a get rich quick or overnight millionaire scheme (you can try the lottery, or investment platforms good luck with that).
 12. In Force you get rich gradually and consistently. Time is your friend not enemy here.
13. In Force You earn when you sign up a persons under you and upgrade levels
Upgrading levels is the most important
14 . In Force you earn when you upgrade to other higher income levels.
 15. In Force you earn when you don't refer a new partner (many have earned with zero partners in their team but refer if you can to earn more Money ).
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